juvenile green turtles

Catherine Lohmann, Ph.D.

Assistant Teaching Professor in Biology

E-mail: CLohmann (at) email.unc (dot) edu


Ph.D. in Zoology
University of Washington; Seattle, Washington

B.S. in Physiology
University of California at Davis

Research Interests

  • Magnetic navigation and migration in sea turtles
  • Sensory ecology and physiology
  • Animal behavior and behavioral ecology

Classes Taught at the University of North Carolina

  • Animal Behavior (BIOL 278) and Animal Behavior Laboratory (BIOL 278L)
  • Previously: Cell and Developmental Biology (BIOL 205)

Public Service

Selected Publications

Lohmann, K. J., Lohmann, C. M. F., Brothers, J. R., and N. F. Putman.  2013.  Natal homing and imprinting in sea turtles.  In: The Biology of Sea Turtles (editors: J. Wyneken, K. J. Lohmann, and J. A. Musick), Vol. 3, pp. 59-77.  CRC Press: Boca Raton, Florida.

Lohmann, K. J., Putman, N. F., and C. M. F. Lohmann.  2012.  The magnetic map of hatchling loggerhead sea turtles.  Current Opinion in Neurobiology.  22: 336-342. [Download pdf]  [National Science Foundation]  [Psychology Today]  [RedOrbit]

Putman, N. F., Endres, C. S., Lohmann, C. M. F., and K. J. Lohmann.  2011.  Longitude perception and bicoordinate magnetic maps in sea turtles.  Current Biology.  21: 463-466. [Download pdf]   [BBC]   [National Geographic]  [Science Daily]  [NPR interview]  [US News & World Report]  [Discover]

Lohmann, K. J., Putman, N. F., and C. M. F. Lohmann.  2008.  Geomagnetic imprinting: a unifying hypothesis of natal homing in salmon and sea turtles.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.  105: 19096-19101. [Download pdf[Science Daily]  [National Geographic]  [Wired Science]  [The Telegraph]  [About.com Animals]  [Voice of America]

Lohmann, K. J., Lohmann, C. M. F., and N. F. Putman.  2007.  Magnetic maps in animals: Nature’s GPS.  Journal of Experimental Biology  210: 3697-3705. [Download pdf]

Lohmann, C. M. F. and K. J. Lohmann. 2006. Quick Guide to Sea Turtles.  Current Biology. 16(18): R784-R786.

Lohmann, K. J., Lohmann, C. M. F., Ehrhart, L. M., Bagley, D. A., and T. Swing. 2004. Geomagnetic map used in sea turtle navigation. Nature. 428: 909-910. [Download pdf]   [Science]

Lohmann, K. J., and C. M. F. Lohmann. 2003. Orientation mechanisms of hatchling loggerheads. In: Loggerhead Sea Turtles (eds. A. B. Bolten and B. E. Witherington), pp. 44-62. Smithsonian Books: Washington.

Lohmann, K. J., Cain, S. D., Dodge, S. A., and C. M. F. Lohmann. 2001. Regional magnetic fields as navigational markers for sea turtles. Science. 294: 364-366. [Download pdf]   [Science Commentary]   [BBC]   [ABC News]   [Science Daily]   [National Geographic]   [USA Today] 

Lohmann, K. J., Witherington, B. E., Lohmann, C. M. F., and M. Salmon. 1997. Orientation, navigation, and natal beach homing in sea turtles. In: The Biology of Sea Turtles (eds. P. Lutz and J. Musick), pp. 107-135. CRC Press: Boca Raton.

Lohmann, K. J., and C. M. F. Lohmann. 1996. Detection of magnetic field intensity by sea turtles. Nature. 380: 59-61. [Download pdf]   [New York Times]  

Lohmann, K. J., and C. M. F. Lohmann. 1996. Orientation and open-sea navigation in sea turtles. Journal of Experimental Biology. 199: 73-81.  [Download pdf]

Lohmann, K. J., A. W. Swartz, and C. M. F. Lohmann. 1995. Perception of ocean wave direction by sea turtles. Journal of Experimental Biology. 198: 1079-1085. [Download pdf]

Lohmann, K. J., and C. M. F. Lohmann. 1994. Detection of magnetic inclination angle by sea turtles: a possible mechanism for determining latitude. Journal of Experimental Biology. 194: 23-32. [Download pdf]

Lohmann, K. J., and C. M. F. Lohmann. 1994. Acquisition of magnetic directional preference in loggerhead sea turtle hatchlings. Journal of Experimental Biology. 190: 1-8. [Download pdf]

Lohmann, K. J., and C. M. F. Lohmann. 1993. A light-independent magnetic compass in the leatherback sea turtle. Biological Bulletin. 185: 149-151. [Download pdf]

Lohmann, K. J., and C. M. F. Lohmann. 1992. Orientation to oceanic waves by hatchling green turtles. Journal of Experimental Biology. 171:1-13. [Download pdf]