Selected Lohmann Lab Publications
Lohmann, K. J., Goforth, K. M., Mackiewicz, A. G., Lim, D. S., Lohmann, C. M. F. (2022). Magnetic maps in animal navigation. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 208(1), 41-67 (Invited review) [ Download PDF ]
Barr, C. R., Bedrossian, M., Lohmann, K. J., Nealson, K. H. 2022. Magnetotactic bacteria: concepts, conundrums, and insights from a novel in situ approach using digital holographic microscopy (DHM). Journal of Comparative Physiology A 208(1), 107-124.
Granger, J., Cummer, S.A., Lohmann, K.J., Johnsen, S. 2022. Environmental sources of radio frequency noise: potential impacts on magnetoreception. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 208(1), 83-95.
Naisbett-Jones, L.C., Lohmann, K.J. 2022. Magnetoreception and magnetic navigation in fishes: a half century of discovery. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 208(1), 19-40 (Invited review) [ Download PDF ]
Taylor, B.K., Lohmann, K.J., Havens, L.T., Lohmann, C.M., Granger, J., 2021. Long-distance transequatorial navigation using sequential measurements of magnetic inclination angle. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 18, 2020088
Ernst, D.A., Fitak, R.R., Schmidt, M., Derby, C.D., Johnsen, S., Lohmann, K.J., 2020. Pulse magnetization elicits differential gene expression in the central nervous system of the Caribbean spiny lobster, Panulirus argus. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 206, 725–742.
Johnsen, S., Lohmann, K.J., Warrant, E.J., 2020. Animal navigation: a noisy magnetic sense? Journal of Experimental Biology 223(18): jeb164921. [ Download PDF ]
Naisbett-Jones, L.C., Putman, N.F., Scanlan, M.M., Noakes, D.L. and K. J. Lohmann. 2020. Magnetoreception in fishes: the effect of magnetic pulses on orientation of juvenile Pacific salmon. Journal of Experimental Biology 223(10).
Bézy, V.S., Putman, N.F., Umbanhowar, J.A., Orrego, C.M., Fonseca, L.G., Quirós-Pereira, W.M., Valverde, R.A. and K. J. Lohmann. 2020. Mass-nesting events in olive ridley sea turtles: environmental predictors of timing and size. Animal Behaviour 163, 85-94.
Pfaller, J. B., Goforth, K. M., Gil, M. A., Savoca, M. S., and K. J. Lohmann. 2020. Odors from marine plastic debris elicit foraging behavior in sea turtles. Current Biology 30, R213-R214.
Lohmann, K. J. and C. M. F. Lohmann. 2019. There and back again: Natal homing by magnetic navigation in sea turtles and salmon. Journal of Experimental Biology 222, jeb184077. doi:10.1242/jeb.184077 [ Download PDF ]
Oh, I.T., Kwon, H. J., Kim, H. J., Lohmann, K. J., and K. S. Chae. 2019. Behavioral evidence for geomagnetic imprinting and transgenerational inheritance in fruit flies. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117, 1216-1222.
Gray, P. C., Fleishman, A. B., Klein, D. J., McKown, M. W., Bezy, V. S., Lohmann, K. J., and D. W. Johnston. 2019. A convolutional neural network for detecting sea turtles in drone imagery. Methods in Ecology and Evolution doi: 10.1111/2041-210X.13132
Lohmann, K. J. 2018. Animal migration research takes wing. Current Biology 28, R952-R955.
Brothers, J. R. and K. J. Lohmann. 2018. Evidence that magnetic navigation and geomagnetic imprinting shape spatial genetic variation in sea turtles. Current Biology 28, 1325-1329. [ Download PDF ] [New York Times] [Science Alert]
Ernst, D. A. and K. J. Lohmann. 2018. Size-dependent avoidance of a strong magnetic anomaly in Caribbean spiny lobsters. Journal of Experimental Biology 221, jeb172205. doi:10.1242/jeb.172205
Fitak, R. R., Schweikert, L. E., Wheeler, B. R., Ernst, D. A., Lohmann, K. J., and S. Johnsen. 2018. Near absence of differential gene expression in the retina of rainbow trout after exposure to a magnetic pulse: implications for magnetoreception. Biology Letters 14: 20180209
Lewbart, G. A., Cohen, E. B., Hirschfeld, M., Muñoz-Pérez, J. P., García, J., Fu, A., Chen, E. P., and K. J. Lohmann. 2018. Field-based radiographic imaging of marine megafauna: marine iguanas (Amblyrhynchus cristatus) as a case study. Frontiers of Marine Science 5:40.
Putman, N. F., Scanlan, M. M., Pollock, A. M., O’Neil, J. P., Couture, R. B., Stoner, J. S., Quinn, T. P., Lohmann, K. J., and D. L. G. Noakes. 2018. Geomagnetic field influences upward movement of young Chinook salmon emerging from nests. Biology Letters 14: 20170752.
Fitak, R. R., Wheeler, B. R., Ernst, D. A., Lohmann, K. J., and S. Johnsen. 2017. Candidate genes mediating magnetoreception in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Biology Letters 13: 20170142. [Download pdf] [Daily Mail]
Sykora-Bodie, S. T., Bezy, V., Johnston, D. W., Newton, E., and K. J. Lohmann. 2017. Quantifying nearshore sea turtle densities: applications of unmanned aerial systems for population assessments. Scientific Reports 7:17690.
Taylor, B. K., Johnsen, S., and K. J. Lohmann. 2017. Detection of magnetic field properties using distributed sensing: a computational neuroscience approach. Bioinspiration and Biomimetics 12(2017)036013. [Download pdf]
Muñoz-Pérez, J.P., Lewbart, G.A., Hirschfeld, M., Alarcón-Ruales, D., Denkinger, J., Castañeda, J.G., García, J. and K. J. Lohmann. 2017. Blood gases, biochemistry and haematology of Galápagos hawksbill turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata). Conservation Physiology 5(1).
Ernst, D. and K. J. Lohmann. 2016. Effect of magnetic pulses on Caribbean spiny lobsters: Implications for magnetoreception. Journal of Experimental Biology. 219: 1827-1832 doi:10.1242/jeb.136036 [Download pdf]
Endres, C. S., Putman, N. F., Ernst, D. A., Kurth, J. A., Lohmann, C. M. and K. J. Lohmann. 2016. Multi-modal homing in sea turtles: Modeling dual use of geomagnetic and chemical cues in island-finding. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. Vol. 10, article 19. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2016.00019 [Download pdf]
Lohmann, K. J. 2016. Protein complexes: a candidate magnetoreceptor (News & Views). Nature Materials 15: 136-138.
Lewbart, G. A., Hirschfeld, M., Brothers, J. R., Munoz-Perez, J. P., Denkinger, J., Vinueza, L., Garcia, J., and K. J. Lohmann. 2015. Blood gases, biochemistry and haematology of Galapagos marine iguanas (Amblyrhynchus cristatus). Conservation Physiology 3 (1): cov034 (doi: 10.1093/conphys/cov034). [Download pdf]
Brothers, J. R. and K. J. Lohmann. 2015. Evidence for geomagnetic imprinting and magnetic navigation in the natal homing of sea turtles. Current Biology. 25: 392-396. [Download pdf] [BBC] [Nature] [National Geographic] [Science] [Los Angeles Times] [The Scientist]
Putman, N. F., Verley, P., Endres, C. S., and K. J. Lohmann. 2015. Magnetic navigation behavior and the oceanic ecology of young loggerhead sea turtles. Journal of Experimental Biology. 218: 1044-1050. [Download pdf]
Lohmann, K. J. and D. A. Ernst. 2014. The geomagnetic sense of crustaceans and its use in orientation and navigation. In: Crustacean Nervous Systems and their Control of Behavior (editors: C. D. Derby and M. Thiel), pp. 321-336. Oxford University Press: New York, New York. [Download pdf]
Putman, N. F., Scanlan, M. M., Billman, E. J., O’Neil, J. P., Couture, R. B., Quinn, T. P., Lohmann, K. J., and D. L. G. Noakes. 2014. An inherited magnetic map guides ocean navigation in juvenile Pacific salmon. Current Biology. 24: 446-450.
Fuxjager, M. J., Davidoff, K. R., Mangiamele, L. A., and K. J. Lohmann. 2014. The geomagnetic environment in which sea turtle eggs incubate affects subsequent magnetic navigation behaviour of hatchlings. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 281: 20141218.[Download pdf]
Lewbart, G. A., Hirschfeld, M., Denkinger, J., Vasco, K., Guevara, N., García, J., Muñoz, J., and K. J., Lohmann. 2014. Blood gases, biochemistry, and hematology of Galapagos green turtles (Chelonia mydas). PLoS ONE. e96487. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0096487. [Download pdf]
Putman, N. F., Lohmann, K. J., Putman, E. M., Quinn, T. P., Klimley, A. P., and D. L. G. Noakes. 2013. Evidence for geomagnetic imprinting as a homing mechanism for Pacific salmon. Current Biology. 23: 312-316. [Download pdf] [BBC] [National Geographic] [New York Times] [Smithsonian]
Lohmann, K. J., Lohmann, C. M. F., Brothers, J. R., and N. F. Putman. 2013. Natal homing and imprinting in sea turtles. In: The Biology of Sea Turtles (editors: J. Wyneken, K. J. Lohmann, and J. A. Musick), Vol. 3, pp. 59-77. CRC Press: Boca Raton, Florida.
Endres, C. S. and K. J. Lohmann. 2013. Detection of coastal mud odors by loggerhead sea turtles: a possible mechanism for sensing nearby land. Marine Biology. [Download pdf] [Science]
Lohmann, K. J., Putman, N. F., and C. M. F. Lohmann. 2012. The magnetic map of hatchling loggerhead sea turtles. Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 22: 336-342. [Download pdf] [National Science Foundation] [Psychology Today] [RedOrbit]
Putman, N. F., Verley, P., Shay, T. J., and K. J. Lohmann. 2012. Simulating transoceanic migrations of young loggerhead sea turtles: merging magnetic navigation behavior with an ocean circulation model. Journal of Experimental Biology. 215: 1863-1870. [Download pdf] [JEB commentary] [World Science] [Ocean Minds] [UPI]
Endres, C. S. and K. J. Lohmann. 2012. Perception of dimethyl sulfide (DMS) by loggerhead sea turtles: a possible mechanism for locating high-productivity oceanic regions for foraging. Journal of Experimental Biology. 215: 3535-3538. [Download pdf] [JEB commentary] [The Economist]
Fossette, S., Putman, N. F., Lohmann, K. J., Marsh, R., and G. C. Hays. 2012. A biologist’s guide to assessing ocean currents: a review. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 457: 285-301. [Download pdf]
Putman, N. F., Endres, C. S., Lohmann, C. M. F., and K. J. Lohmann. 2011. Longitude perception and bicoordinate magnetic maps in sea turtles. Current Biology. 21: 463-466. [Download pdf] [BBC] [National Geographic] [Science Daily] [NPR interview] [US News & World Report] [Discover]
Baltzley, M. J., Sherman, A., Cain, S. D., and K. J. Lohmann. 2011. Conservation of a Tritonia pedal peptides network in gastropods. Invertebrate Biology. 130: 313-324. [Download pdf]
Fuxjager, M. J., Eastwood, B. S., and K. J. Lohmann. 2011. Orientation of hatchling loggerhead sea turtles to regional magnetic fields along a transoceanic migratory pathway. Journal of Experimental Biology. 214: 2504-2508. [Download pdf]
Putman, N. F., Bane, J. M., and K. J. Lohmann. 2010. Sea turtle nesting distributions and oceanographic constraints on hatchling migration. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 277: 3631-3637. [Download pdf]
Lohmann, K. J. 2010. Magnetic-field perception: News and Views Q&A. Nature. 464: 1140-1142. [Download pdf]
Putman, N. F., Shay, T. J., and K. J. Lohmann. 2010. Is the geographic distribution of nesting in the Kemp’s ridley turtle shaped by the migratory needs of offspring? Integrative and Comparative Biology. 50(3): 305-314. [Download pdf]
Endres, C. S., Putman, N. F., and K. J. Lohmann. 2009. Perception of airborne odors by loggerhead sea turtles. Journal of Experimental Biology. 212: 3823-3827. [Download pdf]
Lohmann, K. J., Putman, N. F., and C. M. F. Lohmann. 2008. Geomagnetic imprinting: a unifying hypothesis of natal homing in salmon and sea turtles. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 105: 19096-19101. [Download pdf] [Science Daily] [National Geographic] [Wired Science] [The Telegraph] [ Animals] [Voice of America]
Baltzley, M. J. and K. J. Lohmann. 2008. Comparative study of TPep-like immunoreactive neurons in the central nervous system of nudibranch molluscs. Brain, Behavior, and Evolution. 72: 192-206. [Download pdf]
Lohmann, K. J., Lohmann, C. M. F., and C. S. Endres. 2008. The sensory ecology of ocean navigation. Journal of Experimental Biology. 211: 1719-1728. [Download pdf]
Johnsen, S. and K. J. Lohmann. 2008. Magnetoreception in animals. Physics Today. 61(3): 29-35. [Download pdf]
Putman, N. F. and K. J. Lohmann. 2008. Compatibility of magnetic imprinting and secular variation. Current Biology. 18(14): R596-R597. [Download pdf]
Lohmann, K. J., Luschi, P., and G. C. Hays. 2008. Goal navigation and island-finding in sea turtles. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 356: 83-95. [Download pdf]
Lohmann, K. J., Lohmann, C. M. F., and N. F. Putman. 2007. Magnetic maps in animals: Nature’s GPS. Journal of Experimental Biology 210: 3697-3705. [Download pdf]
Wang, J. H., Boles, L. C., Higgins, B., and K. J. Lohmann. 2007. Behavioral responses of sea turtles to lightsticks used in longline fisheries. Animal Conservation 10: 176-182. [Download pdf] [National Geographic]
Lohmann, K. J. 2007. Sea turtles: navigating with magnetism. Current Biology 17(3): R102-R104. [Download pdf]
Cain, S. D., Wang, J. H., and K. J. Lohmann. 2006. Immunochemical and electrophysiological analyses of magnetically responsive neurons in the mollusc Tritonia diomedea. Journal of Comparative Physiology A. 192: 235-245. [Download pdf]
Johnsen, S. and K. J. Lohmann. 2005. The physics and neurobiology of magnetoreception. Nature Reviews Neuroscience 6: 703-712. [Download pdf]
Lohmann, K. J., Lohmann, C. M. F., Ehrhart, L. M., Bagley, D. A., and T. Swing. 2004. Geomagnetic map used in sea turtle navigation. Nature. 428: 909-910. [Download pdf] [Science]
Avens, L. and K. J. Lohmann. 2004. Navigation and seasonal migratory orientation in juvenile sea turtles. Journal of Experimental Biology 207: 1771-1778. [Download pdf]
Irwin, W. P., Horner, A. J. and K. J. Lohmann. 2004. Magnetic field distortions produced by protective cages around sea turtle nests: unintended consequences for orientation and navigation? Biological Conservation 118: 117-120. [Download pdf]
Wang, J. H., Cain, S. D. and K. J. Lohmann. 2004. Identifiable neurons inhibited by Earth-strength magnetic stimuli in the mollusc Tritonia diomedea. Journal of Experimental Biology 207: 1043-1049. [Download pdf]
Boles, L. C., and K. J. Lohmann. 2003. True navigation and magnetic maps in spiny lobsters. Nature. 421: 60-63. [Download pdf] [New York Times] [National Geographic] [Science News]
Avens, L., Braun-McNeill, J., Epperly, S., and K. J. Lohmann. 2003. Site fidelity and homing behavior in juvenile loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta). Marine Biology 143: 211-220. [Download pdf]
Lohmann, K. J., and C. M. F. Lohmann. 2003. Orientation mechanisms of hatchling loggerheads. In: Loggerhead Sea Turtles (eds. A. B. Bolten and B. E. Witherington), pp. 44-62. Smithsonian Books: Washington.
Wang, J. H., Cain, S. D., and K. J. Lohmann. 2003. Identification of magnetically responsive neurons in the mollusc Tritonia diomedea. Journal of Experimental Biology. 206: 381-388. [Download pdf]
Avens, L. and K. J. Lohmann. 2003. Use of multiple orientation cues by juvenile loggerhead sea turtles Caretta caretta. Journal of Experimental Biology. 206: 4317-4325. [Download pdf]
Lohmann, K. J., Cain, S. D., Dodge, S. A., and C. M. F. Lohmann. 2001. Regional magnetic fields as navigational markers for sea turtles. Science. 294: 364-366. [Download pdf] [Science Commentary] [BBC] [ABC News] [Science Daily] [National Geographic] [USA Today]
Lohmann, K. J., and S. Johnsen. 2000. The neurobiology of magnetoreception in vertebrate animals. Trends in Neurosciences. 23: 153-159. [Download pdf]
Nevitt, G., N. D. Pentcheff, K. J. Lohmann, and R. K. Zimmer. 2000. Den selection by the spiny lobster Panulirus argus: testing attraction to conspecific odors in the field. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 203: 225-231.
Lohmann, K. J., Hester, J. T., and C. M. F. Lohmann. 1999. Long-distance navigation in sea turtles. Ethology, Ecology, and Evolution. 11: 1-23. [Download pdf]
Goff, M., M. Salmon, and K. J. Lohmann. 1998. Hatchling sea turtles use surface waves to establish a magnetic compass direction. Animal Behaviour. 55: 69-77.
Lohmann, K. J., Witherington, B. E., Lohmann, C. M. F., and M. Salmon. 1997. Orientation, navigation, and natal beach homing in sea turtles. In: The Biology of Sea Turtles (eds. P. Lutz and J. Musick), pp. 107-135. CRC Press: Boca Raton.
Lohmann, K. J., and C. M. F. Lohmann. 1996. Detection of magnetic field intensity by sea turtles. Nature. 380: 59-61. [Download pdf] [New York Times]
Lohmann, K. J., and C. M. F. Lohmann. 1996. Orientation and open-sea navigation in sea turtles. Journal of Experimental Biology. 199: 73-81. [Download pdf]
Lohmann, K. J., Pentcheff, N. D., Nevitt, G. A., Stetten, G., Zimmer-Faust, R. K., Jarrard, H. E., and L. C. Boles. 1995. Magnetic orientation of spiny lobsters in the ocean: experiments with undersea coil systems. Journal of Experimental Biology. 198: 2041-2048. [Download pdf]
Lohmann, K. J., A. W. Swartz, and C. M. F. Lohmann. 1995. Perception of ocean wave direction by sea turtles. Journal of Experimental Biology. 198: 1079-1085. [Download pdf]
Lohmann, K. J., and C. M. F. Lohmann. 1994. Detection of magnetic inclination angle by sea turtles: a possible mechanism for determining latitude. Journal of Experimental Biology. 194: 23-32. [Download pdf]
Lohmann, K. J., and C. M. F. Lohmann. 1994. Acquisition of magnetic directional preference in loggerhead sea turtle hatchlings. Journal of Experimental Biology. 190: 1-8. [Download pdf]
Lohmann, K. J. 1993. Magnetic compass orientation. Nature. 362: 703. [Download pdf]
Light, P., M. Salmon, and K. J. Lohmann. 1993. Geomagnetic orientation of loggerhead sea turtles: evidence for an inclination compass. Journal of Experimental Biology. 182: 1-10.
Lohmann, K. J., and C. M. F. Lohmann. 1993. A light-independent magnetic compass in the leatherback sea turtle. Biological Bulletin. 185: 149-151. [Download pdf]
Lohmann, K. J. 1992. How sea turtles navigate. Scientific American. 266(1): 100-106. [Download pdf]
Lohmann, K. J., and C. M. F. Lohmann. 1992. Orientation to oceanic waves by hatchling green turtles. Journal of Experimental Biology. 171:1-13. [Download pdf]
Lohmann, K. J., A. O. D. Willows, and R. B. Pinter. 1991. An identifiable molluscan neuron responds to changes in earth-strength magnetic fields. Journal of Experimental Biology. 161:1-24. [Download pdf]
Lohmann, K. J. 1991. Magnetic orientation by hatchling loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta). Journal of Experimental Biology. 155: 37-49. [Download pdf]
Lohmann, K. J., M. Salmon, and J. Wyneken. 1990. Functional autonomy of land and sea orientation systems in sea turtle hatchlings. Biological Bulletin. 179: 214-218. [Download pdf]
Salmon, M. and K. J. Lohmann. 1989. Orientation cues used by hatchling loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta L.) during their offshore migration. Ethology. 83: 215-228.
Lohmann, K. J., and A. O. D. Willows. 1987. Lunar-modulated geomagnetic orientation by a marine mollusk. Science. 235: 331-334.
Lohmann, K. J. 1984. Magnetic remanence in the western Atlantic spiny lobster, Panulirus argus. Journal of Experimental Biology. 113: 29-41. [Download pdf]
Last updated 08.28.22