UNC Biology Ph.D. Graduate Student
E-mail: vbezy [at] live.unc.edu
PhD Student in Biology
–University of North Carolina; Chapel Hill, North Carolina
M.S. in Marine Biology
– College of Charleston; Charleston, South Carolina
– 2014
B.S. in Marine Biology
– University of North Carolina at Wilmington
– 2010
Research Interests
- Mass-nesting and mechanisms of reproductive synchronization in sea turtles
- Microbial abundance and sea turtle hatching success
- Conservation biology
- Animal behavior
Sykora-Bodie, S., Bézy, V., Johnston, D., Newton, E., and K. J. Lohmann. 2017. Quantifying nearshore sea turtle densities: applications of unmanned aerial systems for population assessments. Scientific Reports. 7:17690. DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-17719-x
Bézy, V.S., Girondot, M., and R.A. Valverde. 2016. A new method for estimating nest density at an arribada rookery in Ostional, Costa Rica. Journal of Herpetology. doi: 10.1670/14-152
Bézy, V.S., Valverde, R. A., and C. J. Plante. 2015. Olive ridley sea turtle hatching success as a function of the microbial abundance in nest sand at Ostional, Costa Rica. PLoS ONE 10(2): e0118579.
Bézy, V.S., Valverde, R. A., and C.J. Plante. 2014. Olive ridley sea turtle hatching success as a function of microbial abundance and the microenvironment of in situ nest sand at Ostional, Costa Rica. Journal of Marine Biology vol. 2014, Article ID 351921, 10 pages.
Awards and Honors
- National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship (2013-2017)
- Archie Carr Award for Best Poster, International Sea Turtle Symposium (2013)
- National Geographic, Conservation Trust, Young Explorers Grant (2011-2012)
Public Service, Educational Outreach
- Founder and President, TORTUGuiones (a volunteer- and community-based sea turtle conservation project that strives to protect sea turtles and their habitat in the Guiones Sector of the Ostional National Wildlife Refuge in Costa Rica)
- Environmental education program Guardianes de la Naturaleza
National Geographic Video featuring Vanessa Bezy
Personal Website
Last updated 01.04.2018